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In the outpost the portable units are only placed on the ground without foundations. Despite odd angles many caravans are surrounded with paving, gardening and planting. Although there is an ambition to cover the area underneath the caravans, it is still accessible and always used for storage of building materials. Another way to fix the position of the caravan is their attachments to sewage, water and electricity pipes, penetrating the caravans from their long sides (window side, not the door side). The individual sewage gathering tanks are emptied once a week. Apparently, the caravans are getting new boilers from the outside. The infrastructure is basically existent yet always visible. What is also a principle is the energy extension from the larger settlements to the smaller ones. Additional energy sources are an electric generator and a water tank, both located close to the watchtower. The electric masts are often surrounding the settlements, demarking the settlement limits. Streets are partly paved or asphalted, but often left untreated. There are no sidewalks.

The secluded location of Hill 468 deprives from any cultural or social activities beyond the community’s interest. The outpost does not offer other functions than general view onto the surrounding landscape, inhabiting and working on the ‘caravans’ and their layout of infrastructure. Its residents (several workers from Nofei Perat) commute between while two couples decided to live there. The proximity and connection to other settlements is not only physical (infrastructure support, energy grid connection), it is also psychological, influencing the person’s range of activities, the choice of personal mobility and a need for security.